Kamis, 23 Juli 2015

For my English-speaking visitors~

What the heck is this blog?

This blog is an Original Web Novel blog, mainly it's contents are in Indonesian, but some will be in English too.
This blog had no schedule, I'll update it whenever I want, though I'll be sure to stick to the schedule, but I haven't made it yet.

Did you plan to translate them novels?

Maybe~? I dunno, I'll translate it if translation request had piled up, my English isn't that good though.
If i translate it, maybe it'll take 2 or 3 days, and it will affect my other updates

Can I translate 'em for you?

Of course you can!
But, be sure ask my permission, notify me on my email: Anim3ddicted@gmail.com, or in this post.
If you post it on your personal blog/site, don't forget to credit me. I'll post the translation on my blogs too (3 or 4 days behind), of course I'll credit you (and I'll post a link to your blog/post).

If you don't do it, I'll be sure to send assassins into your place~

Can I claim this work as my own?

The fuck are you saying?! Are you getting hit somewhere in your head?!
I'll be sad if someone stole my works, and it'll affects my motivation to write, my readers will be sad (maybe).
I don't write for money (yet), I write as a hobby and to entertain everyone, respect me and my readers.

Stealing is a crime! If you steal, you're nothing but a shit, a huge pile of useless shit.